Legal Practice
Flie Pty Ltd is an Incorporated Legal Practice in Victoria under the Legal Profession Uniform Law.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
This site (including links) and any information provided on this site are intended only to provide an overview of general information. It is not comprehensive and is not intended to provide legal advice. No solicitor-client relationship is formed by the use of this site. If you wish to obtain legal services you will receive a Disclosure Statement and Costs Agreement as required by law.
This site is provided on an “as is” basis and you use it at your own risk. Flie is not responsible to you or any third party for any loss suffered in relation to the information provided on this site or the use of this site (including any loss as a result of a virus).
All information on this site is owned by Flie (unless expressly stated otherwise). The information may not be exploited without our written permission. All trademarks belong to Flie or the relevant third party recognised as the owner.
If this site contains links, Flie makes no representation or warranty as to the information provided on those sites or to any other matter.
By using this site you agree to the terms set out on this page (which may be varied at any time without notice).
Flie is committed to the Privacy Act with respect to the collection, access and storage and use of personal information as part of our business.
All information collected will only be used for the purposes of providing legal services or related purposes. The information collected includes names and addresses, contact details and other information relevant to the provision of legal services.
You are under no obligation to provide us with any information. However, if you do not provide us with information we require, we may not be able to provide you with legal services or we may cease to continue acting for you.
Your information will not be used for any other purpose and will not be transferred to any third party outside of this purpose. From time to time we may need to provide the information to third parties such as barristers, solicitors, law firms, courts, etc as part of providing legal services. Flie may also use your information to contact you about events, issues, newsletter, etc. You may at any time request us to not contact you about such information. We will give you the opportunity to elect not to receive the information when you are sent the information.
We will not sell or give away your information for commercial or other purposes, without your prior written consent or request.
We will amend or remove your information upon request. We will take steps to keep it up to date and accurate but we recommend that you keep us informed as to any changes or errors.
You may have access to your information at any time for any reason.
If you have any questions or issues in relation to privacy please contact us.